Members enjoy our pool and tennis facilities, pool-side café, our swim team, tennis clinics, pickleball, ping-pong and a wonderful variety of social events.
The facility consists of a large pool with a deep-water diving area and shallow play area for young swimmers, a kiddie pool for very young children and a pool house with changing rooms and showers for men and women.
Our 25-meter regulation-length, heated pool for lap swimming has given rise to a very sizeable and active swim team that competes in the Montgomery County Swim League. With more than 200 swimmers, the CCRA Stingrays are a vibrant and active part of our CCRA community.
The pool-side café and screened-in pavilion allows members to enjoy meals without having to fight the elements and provides shelter from sudden storms.
Chevy Chase Recreation Association: 8920 Spring Valley Road, Chevy Chase, MD 20815