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Club Rules

The following regulations are designed to ensure that the pool is safe and sanitary so that our members and guests enjoy their time at CCRA. The Pool Manager or his/her designated assistants are responsible for the operation of the pool and their instructions must be followed. People who do not follow the rules stated below may be evicted or have their pool privileges suspended or be subject to such other actions as the CCRA Board of Directors deems appropriate.



CCRA assumes no responsibility for injuries or deaths that occur because of circumstances beyond its control or negligence on the part of its members or guests.

No one is permitted to act in a way that jeopardizes their own or others safety and health. Running, boisterous or rough play, pushing, acrobatics, dunking, wrestling, splashing, yelling, using abusive or profane language, diving or jumping haphazardly or any other improper conduct that causes undue disturbance or danger is prohibited.

At the discretion of a lifeguard, children may be required to pass a swim test to determine if they are capable of using slides or swimming in the deep area of main pool.

*No diving in water less than 6 feet. Please comply with diving markers along the main pool perimeter. Only swim team members are allowed to dive in the lap pool during supervised swim team practice or meets.

*Children 10 years and younger must be accompanied and supervised by a responsible person who is at least 14 years old.

*People with a communicable infection or wearing a bandage may not use the pool.

*Children who are not reliably potty trained must wear tight fitting plastic pants over their diapers/swim diapers and may only use the Baby Pool. You may use your guest card to purchase these at the pool desk. Only children who are completely potty trained are allowed in the Main Pool. Diapers are not allowed in the Lap or Main Pool including area where children’s slide is located.

No running on pool deck and grassy areas.



Alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs are not permitted on CCRA property.  Alcohol beverages may be allowed during CCRA Board approved events.

Food must be consumed only in the poolside café if purchased there, or outside the pool enclosure in the picnic areas. Coolers of any type are only allowed in the outside picnic areas.

No glass containers are allowed on CCRA property except for events sponsored by the board of Directors.

No beverage consumption is allowed on the concrete areas immediately around the pool, but non-alcoholic beverages may be consumed in the adjacent grassy seating area.

Beverages must be contained in plastic bottles or metal containers (like a yeti for example), preferably reusable containers to help the environment.

People must clean up after themselves and not leave any debris behind, and parents are responsible for their children and for ensuring that they pick up after themselves.

No smoking or gum chewing allowed on CCRA property.

*Children, 6 years of age and older, are not allowed in locker rooms of the opposite sex.

Audio portion of any personal devices must be used with headphones. Deck and locker showers are for rinsing off or bathing – not for playing. Lane dividers break easily so swim under them- do not hang or jump over.

Managers have the authority to close the facility when weather or adverse conditions dictate.

Cars and bicycles must be parked in designated areas.

Members or their guests who damage CCRA property must repair or replace it.

Pets are not allowed on CCRA property.


Main Pool/Baby Pool/Equipment/Toys

*Coast Guard approved and labeled personal flotation devices, such as vests designed to provide vertical support and water wings (“swimmies”) may be worn. Each child wearing a personal floatation device must stay in the roped off area of the pool and must be accompanied in the water by an adult who remains within arms reach of the child. No back floats, bubbles, rings, or one-sided flotation devices are permitted.

Specialized equipment, such as kickboards, fins, or paddles are only permitted in the lap lanes or in the main pool during adult swim. No toys are allowed in the lap pool.

CCRA wants to encourage children having fun in our pools in a safe manner. To that end, handheld toys that are designed for pool use and are being used in a safe and appropriate manner are permissible. These include small soft balls (no footballs) and dive toys. Toys that are excluded from use in CCRA pools, other than during specific events as announced by CCRA, include floats, (except water wings with person supervising within arm’s reach and never to be used in the dive well), inner tubes, lapboards (only use for lap swimming), water guns, battery operated toys, torpedoes and noodles. CCRA deserves the right to refuse the use of toys that are deemed to be inherently unsafe or, as determined on a case-by-case basis are being used in an unsafe manner.

Chairs, towels, etc., are not allowed on the main pool decks or in any of the pools.

All children 16 and under are to be completely out of the Main and Lap pools during adult swim

Games such as “Sharks & Minnows” are allowed in the diving well only with the lifeguard’s permission.

Making back dives into the diving well is not permitted under any circumstance.

Basketball games are allowed only with CCRA basketballs when pool conditions are not crowded. Basketballs must remain in the pool at all times – no bouncing on the deck.



Only one person is allowed on the slide at a time.

Wait at the bottom of the steps of slide until the person in front of you has reached the exit ladder.

Children must be able to slide and swim to the pool exit ladders on their own. Children cannot be “caught” at the end of either slide.

All people must go down either slide on their back and with feet first.


Judith Paul Lap Pool

Lap lanes are intended for multiple swimmers. Swim on the right and in circles when there are more than two swimmers sharing a lane.

The lane closest to the steps is for our slowest swimmers and lap walkers. If a swimmer requests this lane for lap walking and another lane is available for a swimmer, please move to that available lane.

On weekdays during the swim team season, the swim coaches, in consultation with the General Manager, will have the discretion to use, up to and including, all the lap pool lanes during their practice hours of 4-6:30 pm, if they determine they are needed by the swim team, but they will endeavor to reserve some lap lanes for general membership usage if not needed by the swim team. The two lanes in the main pool are always available for swimmers during swim team practice. Each lane must be made available for sharing between two swimmers.



Fees are charged for guests and caregivers who must be accompanied by a Permanent or limited use family member.


Transfer Of Membership

No membership can be sold, loaned, rented or otherwise transferred privately, except as provided by the by-laws.



Abuse Of Membership

In cases of abuse of use and member privileges, non-payment of guest fees or misrepresentation, the CCRA Board of Directors intends to issue a warning and follow with a suspension. If further incidents occur, your membership could be revoked.


Limited Use Rights

Families with Weekday Rights are not permitted to use the facilities on weekends or Holiday weekdays. Families with Partial Summer Rights may not use facilities until the designated date in July’ Combination Right families may not use on Holiday weekdays or on weekends until designated date. Outside of your stated use, you are welcome as paid guests of a current member who must accompany you during your entire time at CCRA.



Members should be cautioned that the loss or theft of valuables on CCRA property is not the responsibility of the Club. It is advised that members leave valuables at home.



Please park in one of our two parking lots. Please do not park on the roadway between the two parking lots. Overflow parking, only after both lots are full, is at your own risk, in the grassy M-NCCPC park area just before the main CCRA parking lot. If there has been too much rain, it is likely your car will get stuck. Thank you for taking care of the park so that we may continue to use it in future years.


Pool Closures

The pools may be closed for several reasons.  If there is lightening or thunder the guards may close the pool and request all patrons to leave the pool area. The pools are closed for at least 30 minutes.

Additionally, the pools maybe closed due to fecal matter or vomit in the pool. Solid fecal matter “in” the main pool requires us to close the pool for a minimum of two hours and the wading pool for at least one hour. Matter that is not solid requires us to close the pools for up to 16 hours.

In the event of a pool closure for any unexpected reason, we will send out a notification as soon as possible on our web site, post signs at the Center and send email alerts.

* Mandated by Montgomery County – A full list of these regulations are on website or posted on main bulletin board in lobby


Chevy Chase Recreation Association: 8920 Spring Valley Road, Chevy Chase, MD 20815


HOA/Swim & Tennis Club Software by PoolDues v9.0